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Growing streams of scholarship in information systems research, business administration and economics address the phenomenon of digital platform ecosystems. Despite this, a cross-disciplinary and integrated understanding of this key phenomenon of the digital economy is still lacking. The DFG Research Training Group (RTG) 2720: "Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE)" has the mission to develop such an understanding. In this quest, the RTG joins scholars from the fields of information systems, management and organisational research, marketing and economics and complements them with a communications science perspective.

Together, the RTG community seeks to address the following  key question:

What are the idiosyncratic properties of digital platform ecosystems and what are the implications for the transformation and design of economic value architectures as well as for overarching socio-economic and regulatory developments?

DPE combines three interdisciplinary research areas that complement each other and form a systemic perspective on digital platform ecosystems: All three research areas leverage already existing research and mentoring collaborations among the interdisciplinary team. DPE fits directly into the strategic profile of the University of Passau – in particular the vision to become one of the leading research centres on the societal implications of digitalisation.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is supporting the Research Training Group over a period of 4.5 years with a budget of EUR 5.4 million.

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Qualification concept


Research programme


Publications & Proceedings


Conference Presentations


Working Papers

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