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DPE Seminar

The seminar takes place in Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger-Straße 16 in room SR 006 from 4 pm to 5.30 pm,

Date Speaker & Topic
26 September

Dr. Manuel Hoffmann - Postdoctoral Researcher (Harvard Business School) 

Topic: Generative AI and Distributed Work: Evidence from Open Source Software

22 October

Prof. Dr. Jens Prüfer - Professor of Economics at the University East Anglia’s School of Economics and DPE Mercator Fellow

PhD Course on  "Economic Governance and Institutional Design" 

24 October

Dr. Mark Wickham - Senior Lecturer (University of Tasmania) 

Topic: Digital Platform Ecosystems and the Circular Economy

14 November

Dr. Georg Reischauer - Postdoctoral Researcher (WU Wien & Linz) 

Topic: Incumbent Adoption of Platform-based Business Models in B2B Industries

28 November

Dr. Saeed Khanagha - Associate Professor (VU Amsterdam)

Topic: Framing Strategies for Nascent Platforms: A Socio-Cognitive Perspective 

11 December

Prof. Jenny Aker - Professor of Economics (Tufts University) and DPE Mercator Fellow

Topic: Call me, Maybe? Technology and Teacher Support in Niger

19 December

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Pidun - Partner (BCG)

Topic: Why do most business ecosystems fail?

23 January

Ben Evans - Postgraduate Researcher (University of East Anglia & Centre for Competition Policy

Topic: Cloud Portability and Interoperability under the EU Data Act: Dynamism versus Equivalence

Please note: Presentations marked as "hybrid" will also be accessible via Zoom:  


Meeting ID: 652 0702 1115
Passcode: 488456

Date Speaker & Topic
25 April

Dr. Georg Reischauer - Postdoctoral Researcher (WU Wien & Linz) 

Topic: Politicized Framing of the Future: Stimulating Innovation in Mature Ecosystems in the Face of Big Tech

15 May

Dr. Rafael Greminger - Assistant Professor (UCL School of Management) 

Topic: Heterogeneous Position Effects and the Power of Rankings

22 May

Dr. Annalí Casanueva Artis - Postdoctoral Researcher (ifo Munich)

Topic: Can chants in the street change politics’ tune? Evidence from the 15M movement in Spain

23 May

Prof. Dr. Kelly Martin - Professor of Marketing (Colorado State University)

Topic: Customer Data Stewardship

20 June

Dr. Julian Wichmann - Postdoctoral Researcher (University of Cologne)

Topic: Does it pay to be active on social media? The antecedents and consequences of researchers’ social media activities

27 June

Prof. Dr. Lucas Stich - Juniorprofessor for Marketing Analytics (University of Würzburg)

Topic: Product Badges and Consumer Choice on Digital Platforms

04 July


Prof. Dr. Philip Leifeld - Professor in Social Statistics (University of Manchester) 

Topic: Analysis of Complex Social Systems

Date Speaker
October 26th

Urszula Wiszniowska AyachePhD Candidate (ESCP Paris)

Topic: "Strategic leadership and the complexity of platform ecosystems"

November 23rd

Prof. Dr. Tobias Kretschmer – Professor of Business Administration (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich)

Topic: "Competing for Attention on Digital Platforms: The Case of News Outlets"

December 7th

Prof. Dr. Robert W. Gregory – Mercator Fellow and Associate Professor of Business Technology (Herbert Business School, University of Miami)

Topic: “The Thorny Road Towards Data Network Effects: A Path Creation Perspective”

December 14th

Tevin TafesePhD Candidate (German Institute for Global and Area Studies)

Topic: "Africa’s Emergent Tech Sector: Characteristics and Development Implications"

January 18th

Prof. Jan Recker – Nucleus Professor for Information Systems and Digital Innovation (University of Hamburg)

Topic: "Digital Disruption in Strategic Competition"

January 25th

Julia ReimerPhD Candidate (University of Würzburg)

Topic: "Innovation incentives and hybrid platforms"

February 8th

Dr. Michael Keenan – Associate Research Fellow (International Food Policy Research Institute)

Topic: "Agricultural Marketing Agents in Kenya: Business Characteristics and Determinants of Success" 

Date Speaker
April 27th

Prof. Dr. Bernd Skiera – Professor at University of Frankfurt

Topic: "Economic Impact of Opt-in versus Opt-out Requirements for Personal Data Usage: The Case of Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT)”

May 5th

Prof. Carmelo Cennamo – Professor at Copenhagen Business School

Topic: “BigTech M&As in Platform Markets: Foreclosing the market or shaping the technology evolution?”

May 11th

Dr. Sina Hardaker – Akademische Rätin at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

Topic: “Framing struggles and mediating roles in platform urbanism – The example of platformization in retail”

June 15th

Prof. Tim Quigley – Mercator Fellow and Professor at University Georgia

Topic: "Building a Body of Evidence”

July 20th

Prof. Don Lange – Mercator Fellow and Professor at Arizona State University

Topic: "The interplay between public values and digital platforms”

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