We are currently implementing randomized field experiments in three countries.
In Niger, we implement a two-sided market intervention to explore the effectiveness of alternative incentives to increase the uptake of mobile money. Households in rural areas rely largely on remittances, but most households use expensive transfer technologies. Using mobile money could save resources and make rural households better off.
In Ghana, we joined forces with an agricultural platform to test how alternative service bundles offered to soya bean farmers can address multiple constraints at the same time and increase their yields, market integration and livelihoods.
In Indonesia, we collaborate with a team from the University Gadjah Mada and test how an Online App with agricultural information and business management tools can increase the productivity and sustainability of young business-oriented farmers, so called “Millennial farmers”. Currently a team of trained enumerators collects baseline data. An inception workshop with local stakeholders is taking place 19th of February in Yogyakarta.