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Moritz Maier

Porträtbild Moritz Maier
Porträtbild Moritz Maier

Moritz Maier

Room: HK 16, 109

Phone: +49 (0)851 509 5672

E-Mail: Moritz.Maier@uni-passau.de

Research Area: B.

First Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andreas König

Second Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Carolin Häussler

External Mentor: Prof. Dr. Tim Quigley

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Moritz Maier is a doctoral researcher at the RTG DPE and the Chair of Strategic Management, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. He is researching

  • strategic leadership in digital platform ecosystems
  • platform entrepreneurship and its socio-economic impact in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • business model innovation and corporate social responsibility in the fashion industry

Maier, M., Shylina, A., König, A., & Lange, D. (2024). It’s all about… us? How CEO narcissism shapes business ecosystems. Accepted for presentation at the Strategic Management Society 44th Annual Conference: Strategic Management of Fault Lines, Contradictions, and Divergences, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2024.

Maier, M., Shylina, A., Wiszniowska Ayache, U. (Co-organizers), & Cho, T., Graf-Vlachy, L., Mannor, M. J., Volberda, H. W., Gamache, D., Healey, M. P., Tripsas, M., & Vuori, T. O. (Panelists). (2024). Panel symposium: Exploring top-executive cognition in business ecosystems. Accepted for presentation at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: Innovating for the Future, Chicago, USA, August 2024.

Maier, M., Shylina, A., König, A., & Lange, D. (2024). It’s all about… us? How CEO narcissism shapes business ecosystems. Accepted for presentation at the 13th EIASM Workshop on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy Research: Strategic Leadership and Attention in a Post-Chandlerian World, University of Passau, Germany, June 2024.

Maier, M., Shylina, A., König, A., & Lange, D. (2024). It’s all about… us? How CEO narcissism shapes business ecosystems. Accepted for presentation at the 1st DPE Forum 2024: Bytes and Behemoths: Understanding Power in Digital Platform Ecosystems, University of Passau, Germany, June 2024.

Reischauer, G., Figge, P., Lanzolla, G., Khanagha, S., Ansari, S., Jovanovic, M., Visnjic, I., Sjödin, D., Parida, V., Bruck, C., Engelmann, A., Hoffmann, W. H., Haeussler, C., Maier, M., Nowak, R., & Wiesmueller, A. 2023. Competition and Governance Strategies of B2B Platforms. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1).

Reviewer, Technological Forecasting and Social Change

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