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Robin Nowak

Porträtbild Robin Nowak
Porträtbild Robin Nowak

Robin Nowak

Room: HK 16, 109

Phone: +49 (0)851 509 5672

E-Mail: Robin.Nowak@uni-passau.de

Research Area: B.2

First Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Carolin Häussler

Second Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andreas König

External Mentor: tbd

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Robin Nowak is a doctoral researcher at the RTG DPE and the Chair of Organisation, Technology Management, and Entrepreneurship. He is researching

  • innovation in Digital Platform Ecosystems
  • B2B platforms
  • Research methods for innovation management

Figge, P., Haeussler, C., & Nowak, R. (2024). AI-based measurement of innovation: Mapping expert insight into large language model applications. Accepted for presentation at the 21st Open and User Innovation Conference, Harvard University, Boston, USA, August 2024.

Janßen, R., Figge, P., & Nowak, R. (2024). Complementor innovation after a value capture shock: Evidence from Apple’s App Tracking Transparency policy. Accepted for presentation at the 21st Open and User Innovation Conference, Harvard University, Boston, USA, August 2024.

Figge, P., Haeussler, C., & Nowak, R. (2024). The role of platform ownership for governance mechanisms in emerging digital industrial platforms. Accepted for presentation at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, USA, August 2024.

Figge, P., Haeussler, C., Maier, M., Wiesmüller, A., & Nowak, R. (2023). From supply chains to industrial platforms: A conceptual model of platform emergence and growth. Presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA, August 2023.

Janßen, R., Figge, P., & Nowak, R. (2023). Unleashing through innovation: How platform dependency affects innovation behavior of complementors. Presented at the 1st European Digital Platform Research Network (EU-DPRN) Summit, Bocconi University, Italy, June 2023.

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